Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2011-02-07 09:05:00

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road to oscars
nu čo, totalizators?!

Actor in a Leading Role: Javier Bardem in “Biutiful” / Jeff Bridges in “True Grit”/ Jesse Eisenberg in “The Social Network” / Colin Firth in “The King's Speech” / James Franco in “127 Hours”

uzvarēs: kolins fērts (kumulatīvi ar "serious man") vai, diespasarg, džeimss franko
es par: kolinu fērtu

Actor in a Supporting Role: Christian Bale in “The Fighter” / John Hawkes in “Winter's Bone” / Jeremy Renner in “The Town” / Mark Ruffalo in “The Kids Are All Right” / Geoffrey Rush in “The King's Speech”

uzvarēs: džefrijs rašs
es par: marku rafalo (kumulatīvi ar "shutter island")

Actress in a Leading Role: Annette Bening in “The Kids Are All Right” / Nicole Kidman in “Rabbit Hole” / Jennifer Lawrence in “Winter's Bone” / Natalie Portman in “Black Swan” / Michelle Williams in “Blue Valentine”

uzvarēs: natālija portmane
es par: nikolu kidmenu

Actress in a Supporting Role: Amy Adams in “The Fighter” / Helena Bonham Carter in “The King's Speech” / Melissa Leo in “The Fighter” / Hailee Steinfeld in “True Grit” / Jacki Weaver in “Animal Kingdom”

uzvarēs: heilija steinfelde
es par: heiliju steinfeldi

Art Direction: “Alice in Wonderland”, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1” , “Inception” , “The King's Speech” , “True Grit”

uzvarēs: alice in wonderland
es par: inception

“Black Swan”, “Inception”, “The King's Speech”, “The Social Network”, “True Grit”

uzvarēs: metjū libatiks un "black swan"
es par: rodžeru dīkinsu un "true grit" (bet cik viņam var dot, vane?!)

“Black Swan” Darren Aronofsky / “The Fighter” David O. Russell / “The King's Speech” Tom Hooper / “The Social Network” David Fincher / “True Grit” Joel Coen and Ethan Coen

uzvarēs: hūpers un "the king's speech"
es par: koeniem un "true grit"

Music (original score): “How to Train Your Dragon” John Powell / “Inception” Hans Zimmer / “The King's Speech” Alexandre Desplat / “127 Hours” A.R. Rahman / “The Social Network” Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

uzvarēs: drīzāk reznors nekā rahmans
es par: reznoru

Best Picture: “Black Swan” / “The Fighter” / “Inception” / “The Kids Are All Right” / “The King's Speech” / “127 Hours” / “The Social Network” / “Toy Story 3” / “True Grit” / “Winter's Bone"

uzvarēs: the king's speech. diemžēl.
es par: inception un true grit

Writing (adapted screenplay): “127 Hours” Screenplay by Danny Boyle & Simon Beaufoy / “The Social Network” Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin / “Toy Story 3” Screenplay by Michael Arndt; Story by John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich / “True Grit” Written for the screen by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen / “Winter's Bone” Adapted for the screen by Debra Granik & Anne Rosellini

uzvarēs: the social network
es par: the social network

Writing (original screenplay): “Another Year” Written by Mike Leigh / “The Fighter” Screenplay by Scott Silver and Paul Tamasy & Eric Johnson;
Story by Keith Dorrington & Paul Tamasy & Eric Johnson / “Inception” Written by Christopher Nolan / “The Kids Are All Right” Written by Lisa Cholodenko & Stuart Blumberg / “The King's Speech” Screenplay by David Seidler

uzvarēs: the king's speech. lai vainšteini priecājas.
es par: the kids are all right

tāds, lūk, mans oskaru gads

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2011-02-07 11:39 (saite)
Mana artava par mani interesējošajām nominācijām.

Aktieris galvenais: uzvarēs Kolins Fērts / es par Fērtu (lai gan Bardemam pamatīgs začots)

Aktieris saidkiks: uzvarēs Kristiāns Beils / es par Beilu (who else is there šogad?)

Aktrise galvenā: uzvarēs Portmane / es par to pašu.

Aktrise saidkiks: uzvarēs velnsviņzinkas, totāla loterija / es par Heiliju Steinfeldi

Kinematogrāfija: uzvarēs Black Swan / es par Black Swan (un nahren nav nominēts Biutiful?)

Scenārijs adaptētais: uzvarēs sasodītais Social Network / es par True Grit

Scenārijs oriģinālais: uzvarēs tas, kam Neptūns labākā orbītā pret Alfa Centavru. Ož pēc Karaļa runas. / es par Inception

Režija: uzvarēs Deivids Finčers / es par Aronovski (būtu par Nolanu, ja akadēmijā nebūtu vieni krāni)

Gada filma: uzvarēs The King's Speech / es par Inception vai Black Swan (atkarībā no intoksikācijas līmeņa)

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