Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2009-10-29 21:38:00

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lūk, kur ahujennais, futbolista marlona kinga karjeras beigas

Prosecution lawyer Roger Daniells-Smith said King had struck up a conversation with his victim by saying: "Don't you know who I am? I'm a millionaire."

The court heard she replied: "I don't care who you are; take your millionaire self away from our table."

He groped the woman and she told him: "Don't do that, it's not nice. Don't touch me."

King was warned off her again but he continued to stroke the woman's hair and then told her she was not in his league, the court heard.

After she pushed him in the chest, King lost his temper and a moment of "completely gratuitous violence" led to him "smashing" the victim to the floor, jurors were told.


starp citu, šis idiota visers fiksējas kā sex crime, nevis huligānisms

rietumos, šķiet, jebkura idiota vardarbība pret sievieti tagad figurē kā sekskraims

bet, protams, laba prāva pret ahujevšajiem mudakiem

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2009-10-30 01:51 (saite)
nu, nezinu... "continued to stroke the woman's hair" vienkārši huligānisms?

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