Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2009-05-12 14:10:00

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starp citu, par kalifornijas terminatoru es sajūsminos aizvien vairāk un vairāk:

"Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today launched an initiative to make California the first state in the nation to offer schools free, open-source digital textbooks for high school students. The Governor directed his Secretary of Education Glen Thomas to ensure these resources are available for use in high school math and science classes by fall 2009, a critical first step in helping ensure digital textbooks are widely available to all California students. 

“As California’s budget crisis continues we must find such innovative ways to save money and improve services,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “California was built on innovation and I’m proud of our state’s continued leadership in developing education technology. This first-in-the-nation initiative will reduce education costs, help encourage collaboration among school districts and help ensure every California student has access to a world-class education.

tieši tāpat digitalizācija pie mums ar laiiku varētu samazināt arī materiālos izdevumus par izglītību pamat/vidusskolās, grāmatu ir daudz un tās ir dārgas

upd: es, protams, saprotu, ka grāmatu bizness brēks pretī, taču nahuj nahuj to visu mācību grāmatu biznesu

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Re: Bizness
2009-05-12 14:26 (saite)
man tomēr liekas, ka izglītība nu tur ir globāla un nopietna lieta, kuru var uzlabot

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