Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2008-04-18 08:10:00

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I Am Legend (2007, Frensiss Lourenss)

Grand Theft Auto: Deerhunter City (2013, Popstar Games). Death To Rights 4: Bath Sim (2010, Cryo). "Not even if you were last junkie on Earth" (The Dandy Warhols, 1997). The Cure - Faith. The Swans - Filth. "I'm alive, i'm dead, i'm a stranger, killing zaraza". From Dusk Till Dawn (1996, RR & QT). Man Bites Dog (1992, Remy Belveaux). Ray Of Light, Madonna, 1998, RCA Records.

"The Irish have been coming here for years,  feel like they own the place"(Bono Vox, 2006).  Supertrouper by ABBA.  Radio Gaga (Queen, ???) Microdisney "Everybody's Dead" (1984, Rough Trade Records).
- I Love You, But I Chose Darkness
- Godspeed you, Black Emperor

The Hexx.
To Gotham, Ruth. To Gotham, Martin. Cheers.

in 2008 martcore says
treškonteiners! / sēdies, divi / že suī ležendār dans stripbār! / apm.ņurd. / afigkino

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2008-04-18 10:00 (saite)
nu vot, man vispār galvenais kaifs bija no tās visatļautības un golfa uz lidmašīnas spārna!

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