Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2008-04-15 07:15:00

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nikola kidmena par sadarbību ar larsu trīru, fon / dogville times
"I think I tried to quit the film three times because he said, 'I want to tie you up and whip you, and that's not to be kind.' I was, like, what do mean? I've come all this way to rehearse with you, to work with you, and now you're telling me you want to tie me up and whip me? But that's Lars, and Lars takes his clothes off and stands there naked and you're like, 'Oh put your clothes back on Lars, please, let's just shoot the film.' but he's very, very raw and he's almost like a child in that he'll say and do anything. And we would have to eat dinner every night and most of the time that would end with me in tears because Lars would sit next to me and drink peach schnapps and get drunk and get abusive and I'd leave and...anyway, then we'd go to work the next morning."
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2008-04-15 09:36 (saite)
normāli atlaiž viņi tur :D

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