Siderius Nuncius ([info]mapet) rakstīja,
@ 2013-01-08 21:27:00

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laika ziņas.
Ķīnā ir -50 pēc celsija.
Austrālijā ir +50 pēc celsija.
Esmu officiāli grandmother-less.

peace to google maps mašīna or world

komunisms dzivs.
" The SACP strives to be the leading political force of the South African working class whose interests it promotes in the struggle to advance, deepen and defend the national democratic revolution and to achieve socialism."

komunisms ir noderīgs.

man patika ieteikums vai pavēle.

skats uz jumta reklāmu.

"education is the key of success"

šādas būdiņas daudz kur saliktas. 'There are over 8 500 Cell C COMMUNITY CHAT containers across South Africa.'

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2013-01-10 22:26 (saite)
no worries, thank u ().

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