mafia ([info]mafia) rakstīja,
@ 2009-04-27 16:23:00

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to es saucu par kreatīvu :D
Pilnīga WTF lapa :D

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2009-04-27 16:35 (saite)
īpaši tās kustīgās galvas ik pa brīdim :D īstais wtf ir about/services un arī process :D un man patīk teksts: Send us your portfolio so we can copy your work and then sell it on to our clients. Muahahaha :DDD

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mirstu :D
2009-04-27 16:41 (saite)
We’re not sure what to show you here as Resn has won an FWA (26th April) for its own site You may like to send us hate emails saying “Come on dicks. Why not make your site in Word Press? You’re dicks!” and then we could say “Resn will stab you… shut up dick.”

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Re: mirstu :D
2009-04-27 16:46 (saite)
zvēri! mežoņi! ai lav zem! :DD

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