mafia ([info]mafia) rakstīja,
@ 2007-02-15 15:40:00

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Meeh man arī būs kruta testa atbildes:

1)you are a person who is willing to share
2)you are a bit more choosy on
friends and only hangout with those whom you think are
on the same frequency
3)what you want in your life is half
4)you are weak in your life and
tends to be fragile
5)high sex drive
6)you have a few good friends in your life
7)your last relationship is not a good
one and is not memorable to you.
8)when your partner is around you, you will flirt
around with others.
9)even when your partner is not around, you will
still think of her and and will be loyal to her, not
flirting around with others.
10)average ego
12)average bond with your friends
13)your partner is pure and good in your heart
14)your partner is a
very homely and humble person.
15)you seek your
partner whenever your partner whenever you are met
with problems.

Links, ar kuru man nav žēl padalīties ir tepat! ;)

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2007-02-16 12:18 (saite)
mhm, ne jau pirmo reizi redzēts tests, kur visādi objekti it kā simbolizē dažādas dzīves jomas... Tad jau labāk palasīt K.G.Jungu un viņa teorijas par kopējo apziņu un sapņu tēliem, un tad paanalizēt savus murgus ;)

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