lasitajs ([info]lasitajs) rakstīja,
@ 2015-10-20 10:28:00

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Lasīju Joy Division biogrāfiju Vikipēdijā – šis ir lielisks paņēmiens, kā atlaist grupas dalībnieku, vajadzēs izmantot.

Uneasy with Brotherdale's aggressive personality, the band fired him soon after the demo sessions. Driving home from the studio, they pulled over and asked Brotherdale to check on a flat tyre; when he got out of the car, they sped off.

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2015-10-20 10:48 (saite)
So profesh ^^

(Atbildēt uz šo)

2015-10-20 11:24 (saite)
viņš tevi panāks un nožņaugs ar drediem O_O

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2015-10-20 11:35 (saite)
man ļoti patīk arī stāsts par The Libertines pirmo izjukšanu

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