lasitajs ([info]lasitajs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-04-29 16:27:00

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Gatavojoties vienai runāšanai, atlasīju dažus faktus par inteliģences atbalstu karadarbībai:

“War!” Thomas Mann wrote in November 1914. “We felt purified, liberated, we felt an enormous hope.”

In a letter to Alma Mahler dated August 1914, Schoenberg waxed militant in his zeal for the German cause, denouncing in the same breath the music of Bizet, Stravinsky, and Ravel.
“Now comes the reckoning!” Schoenberg thundered. “Now we will throw these mediocre kitschmongers into slavery, and teach them to venerate the German spirit and to worship the German God.”

As for Webern, he forsook his onetime socialist views to become an unashamed Hitler enthusiast, greeting the invasion of Denmark and Norway with almost orgasmic prose: “This is Germany today! But the National Socialist one, to be sure! Not just any one! This is exactly the new state, for which the seed was already laid twenty years ago. Yes, a new state it is, one that has never existed before!! It is something new! Created by this unique man!!! … Each day becomes more exciting. I see such a good future. It will be different also for me.”

“Thank God,” Richard Strauss said after Hitler came to power, “finally a Reich Chancellor who is interested in art!”

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2022-04-29 17:29 (saite)
Ja caurkritushus aktierus piepulcee inteligjencei, shis ir svaigaaks piemeers:

(Atbildēt uz šo)

2022-05-01 18:56 (saite)
Vai patiesi atkal uz "Orfeja ausi"?

Un, paldies par šo ielaidumu, nepiekāpības paraugstunda

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2022-05-01 19:06 (saite)
Nē, tā bija viena LNSO runāšana.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

Neesi iežurnalējies. Iežurnalēties?