Janvāris 25., 2016
08:50 - saņēmu šādu spamu. nez ko tas nozīmē? Hi,
Do you want to hire a real assassin to kill your boss, wife, or some enemy?
This is not a joke. Interenet has secret hidden sites, used by criminals and gang members to sell drugs, guns, or hitmen to be hired. These sites on Internet are called Deep Web
To access Deep Web you need to download Tor Browser, a Web Browser that hides your IP through three proxies. Google Tor Browser to find out the home site of this software to download it.
Once you downloaded Tor Browser visit the Besa Mafia website at oiiuv2gwl2jhvg3j.onion This website can be ONLY visited with Tor Browser. It can not be visited with other browsers. Why? Google Tor Browser and onion sites and learn the secret behind sites with drugs, hitmen and guns on Internet.
The onion domain don't have a whois and they can not be shut down by FBI or Police and work only in special Web Browsers like Tor
You don't need to take our word, google 'deep web', 'tor browser', and 'besa mafia' to learn more. Our website can be only viewed with Tor
Hire a real hitman for only US $5000 , they are gangster who do drug dealing but they also do murder.
Besa Mafia is a large network of gang members through all the US and Europe, involved in drug dealing, guns, counterfeit currency, and other illegal things. Google it to view more info. Besa Mafia has an underground website on Deep Web from where they take orders online. They don't disclose hitmen information, and they don't ask for customer information. Target information and payment is all that is needed .
Hire a real gang member to do the nasty jobs for you and stay safe, you will never need to personally get dirty
How to stay safe and be sure Police won't know on your door: - use Tor Browser, is free and hides your IP address. Google to find the address - use a privacy software to delete your tracks - never provide your real name, nor address, nor email . Make a new email address with a fake name. - never pay with credit card, check, wire transfer. Buy bitcoins and then you can pay with bitcoins, this is an online currency that can't be tracked - Besa Mafia has an escrow, you add funds to your account, killer does the job and when job is completed you release funds to killer
By hiding your ip address, and deleting traces on your computer, noone will ever know who ordered the killing. By not giving your name or address, and paying with bitcoin, you always stay sure that no one can find out who did it.
Google Tor Browser, google deep web, google Besa Mafia
Learn about a world of online criminal zone that you never knew before! Hire a gang member to beat up for $500 or get someone to kill your cheater, enemy or whoever you want. These are real killers from gang members who don't get paid if they don't do the job. You don't meet them, they don't meet you, no traces, payment as bitcoin when job is done, everyone is safe.
Besa Mafia has been online since 2012 and there are no complaints on Internet! Besa means honor, they do the jobs good and as per customer request.
Hire a killer to kill the old wife and get insurance money, then you can live like a king. This is not a movie idea, is a practical thing with the today deep web .
If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact form on the Besa Mafia website . or, you can just email us to besa@mail4.aussieseoxperts.com , but please do not reply to this email, as no one will reply you. the only way you can contact us is,
email us to: besa@mail4.aussieseoxperts.com
Thanks and Best regards.
Nu, jā... ir tāda lieta. Pavisam reāli. Nezinu gan, kā šis pakalpojums ir pieejams Latvijā, bet Rietumos domāju, ka diez gan brīvi. Vienīgi jāuzmantās mēģinot nogālēt kādu nevēlamo paziņu ar to, ka varbūt vari uzrauties uz policiju kārotā algotā slepkavas vietā.
Parasts spams. Droši vien esi mērķauditorija.
From: | fedrs |
Date: | 25. Janvāris 2016 - 10:26 |
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Jā, izskatās pēc tādas, kurai būtu nepieciešami algotas slepkavas pakalpojumi.
Spameri noteikti lasa SC. Arī zematslēgas ierakstus. Tātad visticamāk ir drauglistē.
Pavisam reāli piesavinās naudu un, protams, nevienu nenogalina? Jo kaut kā nav dzirdēts, ka Rietumos būtu milzīgs pasūtījuma slepkavību vilnis – nieka pieci tūkstoši, palietotas mašīnas cenā, kas tur ko neiepirkties!
Un nav arī gluži tā, ka pasūtījuma slepkavības nepamana. Kad Latvijā savulaik deviņdesmitajos gaišā dienas laikā sāka šaut uzņēmējus, cilvēki ievēroja, ka kaut kas gluži nav tā.
From: | kants |
Date: | 25. Janvāris 2016 - 11:29 |
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tavs naids pret vadošiem sabiedriskajiem darbiniekiem ir materializējies elektroniski :d
ar šito iekrita silkroad dibinātājs - pasūtīja darknetā slepkavības rokeru bandai, bet tie pievāca naudu un uzmeta viņu, bet tas vēl nāca viss gaismā..
aha. "ja tu kaut ko ļoti vēlies, visa pasaule sadodas rōkās, lai tev atsūtītu lētu algoto slepkavu"
visvairāk patīk, ka godīgie gangsteri pieņem samaksu bitcoin'os. impressive. |