L ([info]kbrgs_) rakstīja,
@ 2017-11-09 13:37:00

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Par Louis C.K. lieliski izteicās NYTimes komentētāja:

"Having someone masturbate in front of you, while repulsive and dehumanizing, is NOT the worst of the trauma these women went through. The ongoing severe damage is their loss of career opportunities because powerful men had no problem with protecting their own careers and reputations at the expense of women.

To recap: sexual harassment is bad because it harms women socially, economically, and creatively, not because we can't cope with a moment of feeling threatened and grossed out."


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2017-11-10 20:21 (saite)
Besīgākais ir tas, ka man vienmēr likās, ka viņš kā reiz ir sieviešu pusē un saprot viņu sāpi un straglu, bet izrādās, ka totāli nē.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2017-11-11 21:13 (saite)
jā, bet tagad, kad es pārdomāju viņa jokus, it all makes sense. We should have seen it coming.

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