būs savādāk ([info]illegal) rakstīja,
@ 2006-09-05 22:12:00

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Esmu pieregojies iekš www.couchsurfing.com nu jau kādu pusotru gadu varbūt. Esmu uzņēmis arī divus viesus no Singapūras pie sevis uz 3 vai 4 dienām, samontējis par/ar viņiem filmu. Un šīs tīmekļa novietnes papildus fīča ir - pieregoties kādos apakšsaitos/forumos. Viens no tiem ir par stopēšanu un ceļošanu. Tālākā sarakste ir vienkārši fascinējoša, daudziem liekas neiespējama, bet patiesa un reāla.

Has anyone, or is anyone attempting to, live your life
on the road? My ultimate dream is to be able to live
my life traveling between two dots on a map. I have
been raised in a very conservative family and I can
feel that my place is to live free. Is there anyone
else out there like me? Who for one reason or another
has the unsuppressable urge to be homeless for a


you know i really can relate to that. i grew up pretty
conservatively myself and i totally understand the
desire to establish a bit of oneself. actually as a
kid when i played alone i often played as though i was
homeless and i challenged myself with making ends meet.
i would "live" ruggishly in the elements and have to
go in search of things. i have always been the kind of
person who has wanted a challenge in life. i kinda like
the idea of forced struggle or roughing it. i have
simplified my life grately in the last few years. and
this thurs. i will be leaving on my trip. i will be
heading first to chicago. i plan to be on the road
for about 5wks. i have done some organizing of this
trip just because it is the first of its kind in my
life. i figure the next ones will be less and less
planned. but i am really excited about heading out.
i guess the challenge of finding shelter and food is
pretty apealing, lets see how i feel when i am in the
thick of it.

so are you planning on leaving soon? do you have any
thoughts in mind of what you want to do or where you
want to go? it is pretty amazing when you open your
mind to thinking that you can go anywhere you want.
if you are ready to leave i am still open to having a
travel mate for a while. . contact me if you are
interested we can discuss some details. 260-348-2001.
no matter what you decide, good luck


I plan on being homeless starting September 15. Since
my childhood, I've thought about being a vagabond,
rootlessly traveling from place to place, seeing the

While I've traveled, I've done it with structure,
mostly pre determined and set up in itineraries. On
the 15th, I'm quitting my yuppie suit and tie job,
taking my savings, and living my childhood fantasy of
wandering the world.

I've planned to hike the Appalachian Trail for a few
hundred miles, then will hop trains and hitchhike
north to Montreal, turn around, and go to Miami before
heading West for good. While part of me is scared
shitless, that fear is part of what I love. That fear
is the anxious excitement one has before they start on
a grand adventure!

Hope I see you on the road!



that sounds like a blast. Hitchin' it across the
country. i dream about it dailey. did you save a lot
of money first or are you wingin it? i constantly
wonder how people get by this way with no money. it
fascinates me! basically i am afraid to take the
plunge, but i can feel it in my gut that i am inching
closer and closer to the edge of the cliff and any day
now i am going to spread my arms and let the wind hit
me full in the face. are you going to pass through st.
louis? if so id gladly lend my couch. then we can get
some coffee and talk more. ive never met ANYONE who
thinks the way we do about this. let me know!


Alan i salute you. do you have any plans on what youre
going to do when your cash runs out? that is what
scares me the most. but also fules the desire.



do you guys realize what we are tapping into here? i
mean really. this desire to travel, to plunge into an
unknown, known by so few. how amazing to find people
who understand our desires. tonight, the last of my
nights in my home town and life of 25yrs, i met the
most inspiring of all spirits i have ever found. he
taught me a million priceless things i didn't know and
reminded me how important it was to be ready. not
physically or financially but to be mentally, and
spiritually ready to journey. he told me "Leah,
meditate on your karma. Let go of anything that could
hold you accountable to bad karma. release any anxiety
you may have b/c that will be obvious to the first bad
spirit and it will take advantage of you.

there is so much world to see and when you realize that
to see it you have to go through other peoples stories
and find your own it is amazing. don't be guarded by
the material, the spirit world of karma and faith and
belief in human quality is what you need. if you
carry fear you are fear, if you carry peace you are

survival is our first instinct, Chris, there is no
existence of self if the self cannot survive. realize
that everything you do is an act of survival and you
will never struggle with doubt. there is an amazing
book i once read called "deep survival" it actually
is directed more toward outdoorsman. guys who want to
cliff hang and moutainclimb and ski crazy ass
cliffs(not a danger i am up too) anyway, he talks
about the kind of people that survive amazing
circumstances. those people are always confident
people. people that won't take any answer that they
don't discover on there own as being the right answer.
people who go in search of their own truth. people
who believe in their existence. so, you have to
believe in your own existence and the power that
holds. understand it, respect it, become yourself in
that belief.

ok, to answer your question, chris, i can make a stop
through st. louis, why don't you just start
considering the possibility of picking up for a week
with me and traveling. just fucking do it man, just
pack a bag (lightly) and say " i am going on a
journey" "i am leaving town for two weeks, I am
traveling, I am tasting the road and the exhilarating
feeling of being alive in my skin." "i am going, to
somewhere, i will be there and i will return when i am
damn ready"

do you understand the step you have to take to leave?
you have to have your heart in the right place. to
have to be ready, not to travel, not to go roading or
to be homeless but to JOURNEY. to journey is
essential. the destination is not important. please
call me, lets talk this out a little. i am on a total
spiritual high right now. i am guessing since you
mentioned being raised conservatively that maybe you
ment christian. well, i was too and remember at
revivals and "joy retreats" where you relinquished
yourself over to god again saying you are repenting
and not to ever stray again. and do you remember that
wonderful feeling of peace you used to feel? well that
exists outside of christanity and that is what i am
feeling right now. sorry this is so long and preachy
but i really understand where you are coming from and
i really hope that if the timing is right for you, you
just pick up and go. remember, you don't have to be
gone forever, you can just go for a day, a weekend, a
week, whatever feels right. but get your feet wet man,
that is the only way to know the water is just right.
peace leah


(Lasīt komentārus) - (Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2006-09-05 23:14 (saite)
laikam slikta statistika uz taam atbildeetajaam veestuleem.. neviens mani negrib.. :D

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-09-05 23:51 (saite)
kaads Tev ir niks? :) man te tagad viens riktiig labais austraalis. Man shkjiet, kameer vinjsh sheit ir esmu tik daudz samaaciijusies, uzzinaajusi lietas.. ehh.. citreiz aizdomaajies.. kruti.. vispaar.. gribas pashai atkal meenesi uz celja..

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-09-05 23:56 (saite)
manliekas ka illegal ir mans niks. vai arii oleg_t vai kautkaa taa :D

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-09-06 08:47 (saite)
0% ?? :D:D:D Tas ir jaamaak! es apm tai pashaa laikaa pieregjistreejos, bik aatraak, bet nu ;)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2006-09-06 09:53 (saite)
zini.. savādi..
pēdējoreiz ~ pirms pāris mēnešiem - statistika bija 37%..

bet tagad man manā inbox kastītē iekš couchsurfing... viss teksts no meiliem pazudis.

bet - nav jau tā, ka pilnīgi ne uz vienu es neesmu atbildējis..

jo tur reizēm nāca visāda draza - informācija par končiem un tā tālāk...

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-09-06 10:13 (saite)
man jau shkjiet, ka taadus neskaitiija. :)
anyway, es ar daudz neesmu atbildeejusi, man staav tur kaut kaadi 79% laikam, bet nu es jau neatbildu uz kaarteejiem no seerijas "wana be my friend?" vai "I am looking for bride in LV" vai "Whats your name"

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2008-12-10 15:49 (saite)
nez, kā tev tagad iet ar couchsurfingistiem? :D

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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