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@ 2005-04-16 14:30:00

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Oh, Boys

First it was this guy I was dating (we broke up)
He did something else to it later, and she's still
Bearing the scars
Then there was this nice guy, he liked me, but he did it too
My boyfiend's the third one so far
Boys keep fuckin' up my car

All these boys tryna tell me they're so good
They say they'll fix my carburetor, yea they'll check under the hood
But they can't even get it to start up, much less move
They play and pretend they're so hard
Boys keep fuckin' up my car
Oh, oh, boys will be boys will be boys will be boys will be boys!
Boys keep fuckin' up my car!
Oh, boys.

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2005-04-16 17:03 (saite)
Šajā dziesmā ir UZsvars :D

un ļoti jauks ritms.

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