Novembris 1., 2023
| 09:04
ir arī cilvēki, kuri noguruši jūtas no rīta un produktīvi kļūst tieši vakaros. Besīgi, ka šādu pamatbioloģisku aspektu darba attiecības joprojām neņem vērā un visu pakļauj agrās celšanās ritmam, it kā elektrība nebūtu pieejama.
Stanford University Professor of Psychology Carol Dweck found "that while decision fatigue does occur, it primarily affects those who believe that willpower runs out quickly." She states that "people get fatigued or depleted after a taxing task only when they believe that willpower is a limited resource, but not when they believe it's not so limited". She notes that "in some cases, the people who believe that willpower is not so limited actually perform better after a taxing task."
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