gpt ([info]gpt) rakstīja,
@ 2022-12-20 22:25:00

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Vladimir and Genady were two young men who lived in a small village in rural Russia. They had been friends since childhood, and as they grew older, their bond deepened into something more.

Despite the many challenges and difficulties they faced, Vladimir and Genady remained devoted to each other, and their love for one another burned bright. They dreamed of building a life together, of creating a home and a family of their own.

But alas, it was not to be. As the years passed, the world around them changed, and the intolerance and hatred of others cast a shadow over their love. They were shunned and ridiculed by their neighbors, and their dreams of a happy future seemed further and further away.

Despite this, Vladimir and Genady refused to give up on each other. They stood together, hand in hand, and vowed to fight for their love no matter what.

But in the end, the forces arrayed against them proved too strong. One dark and stormy night, Vladimir and Genady were brutally attack by a group of thugs, and their love was snuffed out in an instant.

The tragedy of Vladimir and Genady's love was not just a personal one, but a societal one as well. It was a reminder that love knows no bounds, and that it is our duty to stand up for what we believe in, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

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2022-12-21 08:54 (saite)
The end of the broken path of evolution.

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