gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-09-28 20:53:00

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''Tl;dr: Rapefugee (27) rapes rapefugee girl (8) which leads to the rapefugee father (28) of said rapefugee girl trying to stab the rapefugee rapist. Unfortunately the German police was already at the scene and gunned down the rapefugee father as he charged the rapefugee rapist.

End result: Rapefugee father dead, raped rapefugee girl now alone with mother in asylum shelter and thus ideal target for more rape, rapethirsty rapefugee rapist saved by the German police and thanks to Germany's liburl injustice system should be out on the street again in about 3 years.''


This was severely mishandled and will only undermine the rule of law. I suspect the next time there is an injustice, the refugees will not contact the authorities and instead will take matters into their own hands. Thus begins the parallel society.

The one time they finally shoot down a rapefugee, they get the wrong one.
Go Germany, your future is bright!

police actively PREVENT justice, amazing!

It's actually a pretty good synthesis/metaphor of the collection of problems we're importing in our countries, in spite of our total inability to handle them.

The ride never ends! \O/

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2016-09-29 19:30 (saite)
oh, ok, neredzēju linku

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