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''Except "Christianity" does not say to stone or whip women or anything of the sort. He who is without sin cast the first stone. The letter of the law kills, the Spirit gives life. And in point of fact, the visible organization of Christianity, the Church, consistently opposed such barbarities until the civilization called Christendom had been abandoned by the West. It was always the secular princes of Europe who gladly tortured the accused to death, of liquidating their political rivals, and pursuing hysterical fashions like witch-hunts (see Calvin's Geneva or Philip 'the Fair' and his cynical persecutions).
Christianity has always been colored by an ethos of freedom, compared with other religions, which was the West's undoing. Anyone who tries to equivocate Christianity with Islam or Judaism should look at modern Enlightenment ideals like liberalism and the idolatry of "tolerance" and ask themselves, "Why have these worldviews not come from any other culture at any other time but the post-Christian West?" I would answer that it is because ideas like liberalism or socialism are fundamentally Christian ideas gone wild.''
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