gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-09-09 22:21:00

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-Shut down the Keystone pipeline (now in lawsuit) and cost 40,000 jobs between Canada & the United States
-Helped to cause oil prices skyrocket, begged OPEC to produce more oil
-Tried to stop construction of the Southern border wall (failed, still in progress)
-Allowed millions of illegal immigrants to cross the border
-Botched the withdrawal process of the longest running war in United States history, allowing United States civilians, service dogs & Afghan collaborators to get left behind at the mercy of ISIS & the Taliban, bigger embarrassment than Saigon (muh photo op)
-Got 13 marines & countless civilians killed with said botched withdrawal
-Failed to forgive student loan debt, didn't even try, lied outright
-Extended eviction moratorium illegally, was slapped down by Supreme Court twice, still ignores them
-Treated the deaths of the 13 marines like trash, kept checking his watch & blowing off parents of dead marines yelling at him during cadaver transfer
-Runs away from press when they ask him questions that are not on his prepped Q&A list
-Made diversity training a priority in the military, causing the Navy to destroy one of its own warships, cause two naval collisions & surrender a Navy boat to Iran.

orange man bad tho

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2021-09-12 22:54 (saite)

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