gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-08-14 11:38:00

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we're coming for your children
Governments should exclude parents who oppose the hormonal and surgical transformation of their children, according to an article published in the establishment Journal of Medical Ethics.
When parents reject their childrens’ claim to be transgender, “parents should lose veto power over most transition-related paediatric care,” wrote author Maura Priest, a candidate professor at Arizona State University.
Trained medical scientists should defer to the childrens’ wishes once they decide that the children are “informed and competent” to make a lifetime decision over their medical health, sexual relations, and reproductive choices, Priest argues in the June 8 article:
If the medical community is to take LGBT testimony seriously (as they should) then it is no longer the job of physicians to do their own weighing of the costs and benefits of transition-related care. Assuming the patient is informed and competent, then only the [child] patient can make this assessment, because only the patient has access to the true weight of transition-related benefits.
“Taking LGBT patient testimony seriously also means that parents should lose veto power over most transition-related paediatric care,” Priest argues.
Most of the article is hidden behind a paywall. The summary of the article is readily available through the government’s site.
The article’s publication is another shuffle-step by the medical sector, which is seeking to quietly grab more power and status from the parents who create, nurture, raise and educate the next generation of Americans. The article has no legal or regulatory power. Still, its publication encourages like-minded judges, doctors, and politicians to further expand the sector’s legal authority, customer base, and revenues, despite the public opposition.
So far, many thousands of boys and girls have been nudged, pulled, and pushed into declaring that they feel psychological distress over the male-or-female sex of their bodies. The declarations have spurred a growing wave of expensive treatments that have yet to show any clear evidence of success.(...)

btw, vairāki no tā pedo-kora dalībniekiem tiešām izrādījās pedofili

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2021-08-14 14:15 (saite)
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