gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-03-24 08:23:00

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Pūķins trollē
"NEW - Putin invites Biden to discuss relations in a virtual meeting, provided that it is a direct, live-streamed conversation."

Joe Biden Hasn’t Held a Press Conference. Who Cares?
The president isn’t taking questions from the media—but it’s not clear what the public is missing.

-Remember the press outrage, when Trump went to eat a steak or something and didn't inform the press beforehand? The press claimed that it's their right to know 24/7 about the exact location of the president.
-The press does know everything Biden does 24/7. They collude with him to make him look as good as possible, just like they do wth any Democrat.

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2021-03-24 20:46 (saite)
Neredzu kā Pūķinu vispār var iztrollēt. Viņš jau sen atklāti ieņirdz par visu to muh russia huiņu Rietumos. Savukārt Bidē trollē ne tikai viņš, bet arī citi pūķi. Tik nožēlojams valsts līderis nebija pat Čerņenko. Vecuma demence vēlā stadijā nav joka lieta.

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