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Record number of gang shootings in Sweden - but now Minister Damberg (Socialdemocrats) thinks it will turn around
Published February 1, 2021 at 1:18 p.m.

DOMESTIC. 2021 may be the year when the government gains control of gang crime in the country. This was suggested by the Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg (S) during a press conference today.

On Tuesday, Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg held a press conference regarding gang violence in Sweden.

Last year, a new record was broken in the number of shootings.

Between January 1 and December 15, no less than 349 shootings occurred in the country, an increase of ten percent.

But now maybe it will turn around, according to the government.

Among other things, a thousand more people are now detained compared to two years ago, the Minister of the Interior explained at today's press conference.

He also claims that the number of police employees is increasing.

- "My overall assessment, when I look at the whole, is that the turnaround may come this year, but it is still a difficult situation", says Mikael Damberg.

- "I believe that our power gatherings will yield results."

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