gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-08-27 19:34:00

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Nevēlos piebāzt visu cibu ar kāzusiem no pindosu 'revolūcijas' drāmas, bet te bija viens pēdējās dienās labi apzelēts gadījums, kur nesenajā grautiņā kādā Viskonsinas pilsētiņā 17 gadīgs 'militia', kas pēc savas iniciatīvs bija atnācis sargāt rajončegu no demolantiem sašāva vairākus antifa deģus pašaizsardzības nolūkos. Lo and behold viens no uzbrucējiem, pedofils recidīvists.
Vēsture atkārtojas:

I knew a few punkers that played footsie with Antifa WAY back in the day. Nearly every one of them were the worst kind of smelly, squatting gutter punks you could imagine. Since they were of the lowest variety of human filth, they naturally saw anyone with 5 bucks in their pocket as rich elite pigs. There's obviously big Soros-bucks driving this thing from on high, but at the street level these people are walking sacks of garbage, and most of them are addicted to a medicine cabinet of drugs and bad ideas. Typical dichotomy of socialist revolutions. The rich have everything to gain, and the poor have nothing to lose.

Reminds me of the NKVD rape gangs that the Reds let loose on Germany at the end of the war. Turning the dregs loose on society as a weapon of social engineering is a very old tactic.

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