gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-03-31 23:40:00

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weekly swedening
Every government in the world proved they are incompetent retards. And then there is Sweden.

Loģiski. Glābj nākotnes jaunzviedrus.

Vis efektīvākais mērs pret pandēmiju, ko kopēt no Ķīnas - cenzūra un faktu slēpšana.

Cilvēki te čīkst par dievzemītes amatpersonu nekompetenci, bet vai pat tās dabon par to 30 mēnešalgas kompensācijā?

First things first. Sievietes valdībā zina, ko dara.

Liekas pie mums tomēr nav tik jautri. Atkal atpaliekam.

So tooooolerant. Ceram arī pret slimību. 


Every night at 20:00 we applaud, honks, in 30-60 seconds. This will continue until Covid-19 abates and the situation is fairly reset to normal again. Facebook initiative: Applaud 1min from balcony, window at 20 o'clock. Every night for the medical staff
Jauna variācijas par pretizvarošanas aprocēm?

Those pesky """"young people"""".

Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare has created guidelines for the priority of care for Chinese coronavirus patients that could see elderly Swedish citizens left to die in favour of illegal migrants.

Sweden’s elderly, along with Swedes with pre-existing health conditions, can be given lower priority than healthy young illegal migrants, according to the new guidelines.

Dr Thomas Lindén, of the National Board of Health and Welfare, said that health professionals should prioritise based on medical needs and not on the basis of citizenship, according to Nyheter Idag.

“The principles of prioritisation say that we should prioritise on the basis of medical needs and that all people have equal value. It means for someone who works in the healthcare industry that it is the people you have ahead of you, then you should not think about legal status, citizenship or so, but it is the medical need that should govern,” he said.

Ragaviņās un uz mežu nebūtu humānāk un mazāk pazemojoši? 

Tur ir vēl, bet nu jebal..

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2020-04-01 23:34 (saite)
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