gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-12-24 08:16:00

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runājot par Rollingas un wouk pīpļu savstarpējo apmaiņu, brīnišķīgi posti:
There exist a number of chromosomal disorders. But these can all be unequivocally categorized as male and female, with disabilities related to expression of gender characteristics.

There also exists gender dysphoria, meaning that you don't feel comfortable with the sexual characteristics of your body. This is a subcategory of BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) which also include people who voluntarily amputate body parts, et cetera. Not surprisingly, this can all be mitigated with the same medication which helps against symptoms of schizophrenia.

Then there exist people who don't squarely fit into "gender roles", as they conceive these from culture and media. It's interesting to speculate why people like these exist, and why they seem to be increasing in number, whether this is cultural or simply due to the ubiquity of hormone-altering effects in modern society; chemicals like xenoestrogens, vitamin D deficiency, et.c.. In any case, there is no reason to turn yourself into a circus freak for just being a little different, you should just be able to be who you are, for good or bad. It would seem this would be an obvious conclusion in today's liberal society. But of course the lunatic left can't stop themselves from going all Mengele on their own children. As if they are doing their best to illustrate they are sliding down on a slippery slope leading straight to Hell.

It's like in the gold old days of the Soviet Union, when you couldn't be sure that regurgitating the headlines of the Morning Prawda would keep you out or put you in the gulag, because it had been revised in the meantime and the author had been declared an enemy of Socialism.

Leftists on twitter thought it's a safe bet to virtue signal by liking an innocuous tweet ("Dress however you please") by an outspoken Trump critic and popular left icon and feminist, only to find themselves in hot water, because the progressive narrative has changed in the meantime.

It reminds me of the joke: 3 guys are in prison and share their stories of how they came to be here:

The first man says, "I spoke poorly of Comrade Ovechkin."

The second man says, "I spoke well of Comrade Ovechkin."

Third man says, "I'm Ovechkin."

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