Counter-initiation orientates him in the opposite direction -- towards the consciousness of the materialism, the world, and the self. Such an experience can have all of the trappings of an initiation: ritual, symbols, teachings, a fraternal camaraderie, and so on. Yet, rather than directing the “initiate” towards Deity, it channels and misdirects his seeking -- his search for the truth, and for something beyond him -- into non-spiritual and even anti-spiritual pursuits. We can see this very clearly in religion itself. Many “houses of worship” are now only so in name, with their sermons largely or perhaps entirely political. The result might be activism, street protests, and voting for a particular candidate, or it might be politically-motivated, “religious” extremism, intolerance, and violence. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's,” Matthew 22:21 records Jesus as saying. Regardless of whether one is a Christian or not, the sentiment is that we should neither confuse politics and religion nor this life and the next. Initiation -- including Masonic initiation -- orientates us towards God and to the “temple not made with hands.” Counter-initiation orientates the individual towards Caesar; towards the political, the worldly, and the self. And while the initiate finds an inner-peace, harmony, and connectedness in his life, the individuals that have gone through a counter-initiation find themselves often consumed by anger, a sense of disharmony, and disconnectedness.