gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-04-25 22:35:00

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Turkey has complained about Aghet, a concert project the Dresden Symphonical Orchestra has dedicated to the memory of the Armenian genocide. Serdar Argic Turkey has predictably called for a stop to this, and has won a partial victory. The EU Commission's cultural agency, which has supported the concert, has removed the project's information from its site after failing to pressure the orchestra into avoiding their "choice of words".

Vāciešiem un ES viss kārtībā ar prioritātēm un sabiedroto izvēli.

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2016-04-26 14:17 (saite)
vācija un nīderlande arī nebremzē izdod savējos vajāšanai, ja viņi nesmuki nokritizējuši, izņirguši augsti godāto erdoganu.

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