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These are the types of girls that ridicule other girls who study hard and try to make something of themselves, the female equivalent of the jocks that beat up the nerdy guys at school. These are the popular people who turn out to be losers in life because they want to be 'cool'.
She knew exactly what she was doing then and now she is playing the victim to try to make a buck by jumping on the shaming bandwagon.Protams, tas nav attaisnojums J.E. un viņš bija jātiesā par nepilngadīgo iesaistīšu prostitūcijā. Šeit vairāk bija sašutums par to, ka viņam izdevās uzpirkt visu politisko eliti, kas piesedza viņa noziegumus. Bet vai tad nav tā, ka mūsdienu LGBT+ propaganda pilnīgi atklāti un legāli pamudina uz prostitūciju (sorry, seksa darbu) un izvirtībām?
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