gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-06-24 13:27:00

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These evil fuck leftist propoganda merchants in the MSM have smelled blood in the water and they will not stop until all the big tech companies removes any competition to their monopoly on "the truth." And the government silences any opposition. Imagine writing an article pretending cultural marxism is a conspiricy theory when every company and public body is rubbing everyones nose into an LGBTQ flag all month. Look I don't give a shit what people do in their bedrooms but don't ask me and the kids to wave a flag and celebrate peoples perversions, I'd rather that be private and people not take "pride," in fucking another man up the ass, just like I wouldn't expect people to take pride in me jacking off over a dirty Brit slag getting shagged in a fake taxi video.
Just a few things I'd like to say.

1) The whole Youtube purge seems like a well organised attack by the media in collaboration with youtube to remove alternatives to the legacy media and their competition just in time for the next election, we can't after all have a repeat of Brexit or Trump, or anyone questioning the globalist agenda. Anyone who condones banning people just because they don't like someone or they did something bad years ago and WAS PUNISHED FOR THEN is a pathetic mewling quim.
Just look how rancid the MSM is in their ceaseless attacks on alternative sources in this NYTimes piece...


Here is the graphic that accompanies the "article."


These evil fuck leftist propoganda merchants in the MSM have smelled blood in the water and they will not stop until all the big tech companies removes any competition to their monopoly on "the truth." And the government silences any opposition.
Imagine writing an article pretending cultural marxism is a conspiricy theory when every company and public body is rubbing everyones nose into an LGBTQ flag all month. Look I don't give a shit what people do in their bedrooms but don't ask me and the kids to wave a flag and celebrate peoples perversions, I'd rather that be private and people not take "pride," in fucking another man up the ass, just like I wouldn't expect people to take pride in me jacking off over a dirty Brit slag getting shagged in a fake taxi video.

And the west is not under threat from Muslim immigration!!! Well have a word with the Saudis about that as they are explicitly trying to convert Muslims to more extreme Islam and explicitly bribing western politicians so they can build more mosques and import more extremists and when they reach a critical mass are demanding Islamic law in western countries, just like we had in the UK parlament the other day with Muslim MP's calling for a blasphemy law against critics of Islam

What the article is basicaly saying is when people are exposed to just an iota of the reality that they are being fucked over they get mad and that them getting mad about how they are getting fucked over is a problem, of course to the New York Times the truth is a "conspiricy theory." And "Russian collusion," is the truth that won them a Pulitzer prize for their "journalism." (or two years of writing fiction with "unnamed sources," aka John Brennon, James Clapper, Peter Strok, James Comey and all the rest of those slimy swamp rats who couldn't be trusted to count votes in a cow beauty pagent)

Also the "article," talks about a "decentralized cult":D How the fuck does that work? Basically it means that many people from around the world have come to the conclusion that they don't like being fucked over by the media and the government and told what to think. But of course that is just a "cult of conspiricy theorists." That's why people voted for Trump and Brexit because they were lied to by Russians, not because they have actual issues that the MSM and politicians ignore, Hillary literally flew over the flyover states :D And when she lost there she blamed Putin and Alex Jones.

2) Companies being "woke," may have something to do with their bottom line, they have most likely polled people and found them supportive of LGBT rights and all the rest so think it a no brainer to try to be the "wokest" seller of gas or razor blades as they can increase their market share by a miniscule amount by pandering to gays or trans and pretending to be humane while explioting all their workers and the planet.

What they don't understand is that people will not tell them publically if they don't approve of LGBT rights as they are scared of the thought police and violent hysteria of the left. But people do vote with their wallets which is why P&G tried to cover up Gilletes poor performance after their stupid ad criticising masculinity early this year, basically they lumped in Gillette with the rest of their companies who were performing well and tried to say razor sales had been on a downward trend for a while. Personally I always have used Gillette, but switched after that dumbfuck ad that attacked men for masculine behaviour and once you switch razors you don't go back. If Gillette didn't run that dumb ad I would have bought their products up to by death bed.
Also my friend will not go to any BP service station after they flew "pride," flags, as he says jokingly they sell "gay fuel," now he isn't homophobic, he just didn't like the politics of LGBT company and state acceptence enforced upon him by a company signaling virtue while it chokes seagulls in oil, I'm just surprised that BP and all the rest haven't jumped aboard the climate change bandwagon yet by charging people extra to tackle climate change.

And for those who laugh off companies shooting themselves in wallet over a political act. Well people who make a lot of money get bored of money as it's just a power trip, so they want power, the power to change the world as they see fit. Sometimes they try to destroy the world to make money like Soros, but his actions can't be explained by greed anymore as he is nearly dead, he just wants to die knowing the world is going to hell. Then there is Bill Gates donating money to all sorts of pet projects and President Trump who has given up peace and near universal acclaimation in the US to be hated by half the population, shot at, villified and smeared by all the media, while his business suffers. Why? Because he wanted a challange and wanted to leave what he believes to be a better America for the future.

The greedy grifters are bought off by these people who have billions, look how the greedy grifter MP's in London are all in the pocket of the Saudis and allowing Mosques all over London. Are those Saudi billionares and Royals interested in money or their place in paradise with Allah? Money is nothing to rich people and companies, they want the power to play with the world and change it to their liking.

Also most heads of companies are social spastics, like Zuckerberg and not chads like Trump, so do anything for social acceptance and a shot at some mixed race feminst skirt from the PR department.

3) I really enjoyed reading Lyric Suite on his history of Christianity volume trentasei. I read a lot of history myself and can't fault you on what you say even though I'm not religious I still have a cultural bond with Christianity. I would like to ask you a question though. What do you think was the reason people converted to Christianity as Constantine did and the Pagans, was it just enlightenment? Or were there other reasons, perhaps because Christianity had a written creed and testament and laws, perhaps because monotheism was a good political tool for uniting people and enforcing laws and practices. I'm not sniping for holes, I'm just interested to know your take on why people would give up freedom to do whatever they wanted to live under proscribed rules. I think myself that choosing your own God from a polytheism that suits you is a much more attractive option.
Again I'm not sniping I just am pointing out that it's easier for people to live how they want and find a God to suit them and wondering why that was given up for Christianity. I understand that wine doesn't taste as sweet after the second bottle in the morning, but does with a first glass after a hard weeks work, so understand that living by rules you don't desire can bring you more satisfaction. Anyway I will be glad to hear your response.

btw atbilde uz to pēdējo jautājumu: "The simple answer is that Christianity was at it's most pristine where as paganism had withered away for a long time already. People barely even went to temple anymore and few people actually cared about the gods where as Christians were ready to die for their faith. That kind of conviction was bound to leave an impression in a society that had lost all meaning and all sense of itself. Christianity won despite being a foreign religion because the decline of the pagan traditions had left a spiritual vacuum that could only be filled by something with an actual impetus behind it, it's as simple as that."

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