17% of Germans and 18% of Austrians are in favour of a social scoring system based on the Chinese model
According to a survey by YouGov/SINUS in Germany and INTEGRAL in Austria, many believe that they would benefit from it. Furthermore, 18% of Germans and 29% of Austrians are in favour of punishing those who have been rated poorly. thing I'd like to point out though is that, according to the article, the higher the educational level of a person, the higher is the approval rating of a social scoring system.
Apparently it's because those "higher educated" people seem to think that only people with lower educational levels would be affected negatively by such a system and they would only benefit from it. =) Nekas jauns, protams. Totalitārisms vienmēr audzis caur "izglītoto" buržuju rindām. Pretēji bieži tiražētajam, tieši izglītotība (kā to saprot modernitātē) ir brīnišķīgākais masu kontroles mehānisms. Dajošs komjauniešus teicamniekus, kas vislabāk apguvuši vielu.
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