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Or as the first time I got a job on Sveriges Radio. Then a woman passed by explaining that on this editorial board you will vote Left if you want to be a part of the community. No more, no less.
On SVT's mission review, I have been sitting at editorial meetings where high-grade reporters seriously meant that we should not make reports that could benefit Sweden Democrats in anyway. As the time when two brave female reporters made a report on views on women among imams in the Swedish suburbs. On the post evaluation, they were told by a "superior reporter" that the report should not have been made because "it made us friends we did not want at all".
That having that attitude has the gall to call yourself a journalist goes beyond my ability to comprehend. What happened to all the fine words about impact-neutral journalism?
In recent years, however, there has started a slight swing towards "the right", just like in other traditional media. This is because alternative media have gained increasing influence. It is simply no longer sustainable for the traditional media to darken parts of the truth because they are quickly found out.
Joakim Lamotte
6 hours ago
During a debate in Almedalen, Aftonbladet's (master)debater Anders Lindberg declared that public service is not leftist at all, regardless of whether some seem to believe it.
Afterwards, people came up and asked about my opinion on the question because, after all, I have worked 15 years as a journalist in public service, that is, Sweden's Television, Sweden's Radio and the Education Radio.
I responded as I usually do when the question is spoken. Namely, during my time in public service, it was often difficult to know if you accidently attended a sect meeting at the Environmental party and a fullblown communist congress at the Left party or participated in a SVT editorial meeting.
One of my first jobs at the Education Radio was on a program that exclusively reported on school issues. The producer of the project was very active in the then newly launched Party "Feminist Initiative", and stated at the first editors meeting that we should absolutely not report where the subject "free schooling" could be perceived as something positive. Should any report be made about free schooling, the angle would always be detrimental to this system. Otherwise it should be let go.
Or as the first time I got a job on Sveriges Radio. Then a woman passed by explaining that on this editorial board you will vote Left if you want to be a part of the community. No more, no less.
On SVT's mission review, I have been sitting at editorial meetings where high-grade reporters seriously meant that we should not make reports that could benefit Sweden Democrats in anyway. As the time when two brave female reporters made a report on views on women among imams in the Swedish suburbs. On the post evaluation, they were told by a "superior reporter" that the report should not have been made because "it made us friends we did not want at all".
That having that attitude has the gall to call yourself a journalist goes beyond my ability to comprehend. What happened to all the fine words about impact-neutral journalism?
These are just a few examples of when I saw how the leftist culture of public service companies affected the content of what was broadcast. Add to that, there is a great deal of concern among public service employees to be perceived as critical of immigration or even worse, racist. This has meant that any reporting on certain migration-related topics has been simply dropped.
In the case of crimes, only part of the truth is told. For example, in the case of gang-rape, it has generally been extremely sparse with reporting at all times and once it needs to be reported about, it has usually been avoided to completely tell the origin of the offenders. And when the police have gone out with a signalement, SVT has only told about the color of clothes and the perpetrator's length, while details about skin tone and hair color have been removed.
The group pressure among public service employees is on an all high. Those who do not comply with the "standards of the company" risk being frozen out and considered different. Therefore, everybody is careful to just cheer on and encourage things that fit into the "common value" of the sphere. I have been able to notice when I made reports both on SVT and later as independent journalist. If I do some report about racism, there are many old colleagues who like and share the posts on social media. But when I do something about rape/attacks in which the perpetrators may be suspected of having immigrant backgrounds, it is quite quiet from the old friends. Therefore, due to sheer fear of contact, you are more likely to be simply silent about reporting certain sexual offenses/rapes rather than to risk yourself not getting the usual "brofist" at work.
It is therefore more important for some Swedish journalists to "keep the a good mood" at work than to take a stand against sexual abuse or rape. It is a mockery towards all the women who are raped every day in Sweden.
God help the poor SVT journalist who happens to like or God forbid, share a post about sexual offenses and/or immigrants on Facebook. As long as it is not written by Katarina Wennstam, Nina Rung or Jerzy Sarnecki, of course.
My overall picture after 15 years in public service is that the overrepresentation of leftist view is seriously significant and the "fear of contact" is apparent.
In recent years, however, there has started a slight swing towards "the right", just like in other traditional media. This is because alternative media have gained increasing influence. It is simply no longer sustainable for the traditional media to darken parts of the truth because they are quickly found out.
However, it would not have been for brave men and women such as myself and some others that dared go against the stream and make independent, truthful journalism, traditional media could still, completely unhindered, deliver their version of "journalism" according to the decree that their audience can not handle hearing about the hard reality.
The biggest mistake of public service done is to underestimate the people. Therefore, their confidence is falling now while alternative media are gaining increasing influence.
There you have my picture of the situation in Swedish media. It will certainly not be appreciated by the "good" journalists in public service. But I dont give a shit about that because true journalism is about telling the truth regardless of the consequences or anyone feelings.
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