" taču tas nenozīmē, ka šis:
"Jebkurā gadījumā mērķis ir sagraut esošo Rietumu civilizāciju līdz pamatiem."
būtu pamatots apgalvojums."
No ielinkotā faila:
Georg Lukacs: “The question is, Who will free us from the yoke of Western Civilization?”
Max Horkheimer:
“Logic is not independent of content.”
“The root of Nazi totalitarianism [is] the family.”
(jāpiemin, ka Horkhaimera vārdā ir nosaukta viena no sociālo zinātņu censoņu izcilības prēmijām)
utp. Nevajag folija cepurīti un nevajag par punktus savienot ar svītriņām. Viss ir tik straight-forward, ka tikai pilnīgam daunim tur būtu kaut kas "jāmeklē".
Bet principā uz tādiem kā tu attiecas viena ārzemju fōrumieša raksturojums:
There's no point arguing with leftcucks. They wouldn't care if what happened to Tommy was genuinely Orwellian. They would welcome such a thing. Even in this forum they just can't contain themselves, they can't help show their true colors at every turn, not ever since Trump got elected. You have to be deluded to still think leftards are actually acting in good faith and can be swayed through argument.
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