brookings ([info]brookings) rakstīja,
okay - apologies for the tone. It was late and I had had a snifter.

But let's look at what you wrote:

" Īsumā: man grūti saprast, ka vienā kultūrtelpā var koeksistēt gan proporcionāli milzīgs skaits notiesāto "krāsaino" noziedznieku, gan tai pat laikā policija un tiesas, kas raustās no PC. Head-scratcher."

If I understand correctly, then you're confused about how there can be high levels of black incarceration and yet at the same time reluctance to prosecute due to PC culture: right?

I pointed out that in London at least (and that is the only place we have stats for: the paper had to even use the Freedom of Information Act to get this data), black crime is way higher - in fact as I pointed out it 'could' suggest that the prison population as a whole should be higher. It would be nice if we had info for the country as a whole, which... leads me on to my next point (which you agree with):

If we don't have this info, it is much easy for the Labour PC left to blame racism in the police force and judicial system for the resultant high black incarceration rates. I mean what other reason could there be? You're surely not suggesting that black people commit more crime? What are you, racist? (Irony)

However, in general, this wasn't point that I really wanted to make. My main point was rather the reluctance (documented) of the failure to go after grooming/rape gangs in (mainly) Northern towns with high Muslim populations as this is an organised cultural phenomenon with roots in the religious ideology of the community. This is much harder than catching and prosecuting a black mugger in London - no one really has too much of a problem of that (as I mentioned earlier the PC pollutant here is the refusal to compile stats on the race of the offender). If you still don't believe me, fine - but I would recommend you look at the testimony of the two female Labour MPs who finally blew the whistle: not pretty.

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