gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-12-16 20:01:00

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Austria nein!
Racist/Islamophobic reforms agreed upon and publicly announced thus far:

- Less money for welfare asylum seekers
- An upper limit on how much welfare a single family can receive
- Asylum seekers will now have to stay in Austria for 10 years before they can apply for permanent residency
- Ramping up efforts to deport people without residency permits (e.g. rejected asylum seekers)
- Children who cannot speak German properly will be forced to attend additional German classes
- If parents who live on welfare do not make sure that their children attend school, their welfare will be cut

Līdz kam tādam (tik saprātīgam) tik tiešām varētu aizdomāties tikai Hitlers. Mēdiju ļevoki jau trako par "far right" uzvaru. Jādabon popkorns un jāgaida reversanšluss (Vācijai tas šobrīd nāktu par labu).

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2017-12-17 00:04 (saite)
tu laikam domā Merkeli un junkerus?

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