gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-09-09 11:50:00

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This whole shebang is about deciding who's the capo di tutti capi in EU. Eurocrats wants it to be European Comission, meanwhile countries like Poland want to be in a union of sovereign nation states.

And that's what's in the stakes here. Controlling your borders and who is allowed to cross them is one of the very core elements of sovereignty, and EU wants a precedent of stripping that away. Helping "poor war refugees" is just a disguise, not even good one. But that doesn't matter, all that matters is getting that foot in the door, then it will be easier to swing it open all the way.
Funny thing is that this re-allocation thing is bad even for immigrants, they don't want to live in Poland, they want to live in Germany. So even if you are turbo SJW queen of tolerance you should be against quotas since they are bad for immigrants. Only reason why this crap has any traction at all is that Hungary, Poland and some others have been successfully painted as some far right-wing evil entities and as such gullible people can rationalize that they are fighting Nazis by supporting this.

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2017-09-09 22:43 (saite)
''Tu neesi cilvēks, kas vieglprātīgi pavelkas uz konspirāciju teorijām. Nemaz. ''

Tu neesi ļevoks, kas visu,kam nepiekrīt, dēvē par konspirācijteoriju. Nemaz.
Loģika samēra vienkārša. Vairums migrantu ir ekonomiskie, nevis kara nomocītas ģimenes. Parasti jauni vīrieši vecumā 18-40 un lauvas tiesa no valstīm, kur nekāda kara nenotiek. Tas ir viens. Otrkārt, ES autoritārie zaskoki ir samērā transparenti. Mēģināt uzspiest suverēnām valstīm savus demogrāfiskos un kulturālos plānus. Konspirācija implicē slepenību, šeit nekā apslēpta nav.

''Ja? Kurā nopietnā informācijas avotā šīs valstis tiek dēvētas par far right-wing un nazīšiem?''

pff vaņku vaļajem..

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