gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2024-09-28 18:14:00

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Now, if we try to understand how this Western thinking — which for the sake of simplicity we should call “post-national” thinking and condition — came about, then we have to go back to the grand illusion of the 1960s. The grand illusion of the 1960s took two forms: the first was the sexual revolution, and the second was student rebellion. In fact, it was an expression of the belief that the individual would be freer and greater if he or she were freed from any kind of collective. More than sixty years later it has since become clear that, on the contrary, the individual can only become great through and in a community, that when alone he or she can never be free, but always lonely and doomed to be shrunken. In the West bonds have been successively discarded: the metaphysical bonds that are God; the national bonds that are the homeland; and family bonds.

Now that they have managed to get rid of all that, expecting the individual to become greater, they find that they feel a sense of emptiness. They have not become great, but have become small. For in the West they no longer desire either great ideals or great, inspiring shared goals.

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2024-09-28 18:29 (saite)
Tā ir tikai puse stāsta. Vajag parādīt, ar kādu surogātu šo tukšumu cenšas, piespiedu kārtā, aizpildīt.

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2024-09-28 19:51 (saite)

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