(((Western values)))
A guy was sentenced to two years in prison, for posting stickers saying:
The reasoning behind giving this guy a harsher sentence than a rape gang?
The real issue is that you will be arrested for voicing any opinion to the right of Rishi Sunak. It's as simple as that, in a way; right-wing campaigning is outlawed, and left-wing isnt. You will not be arrested for voicing any opinion to the left of Kier Starmer. You will be arrested for meeting or organising in any political way, while being white. A black, feminist, Islamist, or whatever, may organise however they want. The furthest right acceptable position to hold is that of a conservative like Roger Scruton, and even then, only in theorycel. The left is fully allowed to organise. You may meet, talk about, or sympathise with Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin or Mao Tze Tung without fear of arrest. The Islamists are allowed to organise, fund themselves, use foreign money, support banned organisations, or whatever. You cannot however voice any genunely right-wing opinion, or discuss the real radical theories. Anti-modernist opinion, anti-feminist opinion, anti-consumerist opinion, whatever. You cannot meet to discuss Julius Evola or Jonathan Bowden.
So the issue is that Socialists, or Labour supporters, or Critical Theorists, or Globalists, can stay "in touch" with their radical, inspirational, firey, motivational side. They can have radical Marxist fire under their feet, or Black Nationalism, or Islamism. The right is utterly cut off from any radical fire, by their own police forces, intelligence agencies, etc. Conservatives have to actively fight their own radicals on behalf of the enemy. They have to blue-ball themselves. People like Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, Jonathan Bowden, or whoever, are the right's Karl Marx, Michel Foucault or Herbert Marcuse, but they can't spiritually engage with them - only Edmund Burke or Roger Scruton.
What is the solution? I don't know, but I would say people need to find ways around this organisational problem. Make sports clubs, the way Japanese and Chinese nationalists had to come up with bullshit like the White Lotus Society to fight Mongol or Manchu occupation. Anglicanism is basically English Shinto. Maybe just go into empty Churches and take them over, as meeting places, under the guide of 'history groups'. Form sports clubs, use euphemistic language. Make wargaming clubs. I dunno, that's one part of the problem.
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