Israel has only a few decades of existence left. Jews have tried to juggle too many plates, have indulged in a chutzpah too far. Israel depends on the US to guarantee its existence, but Left-wing Jews in the US (and the West generally) have undermined the foundations of the race and civilization that sustained the very industrial and military might Jews in Israel were relying on. The US and the West generally, are finished, Jewish elites have killed them, killed their own golem - out of nothing more than sheer runaway spite that one bunch of goyim dared to stand up to them in the 1930s.
But with the US and the West goes Israel. The guttering torch of European civilization will be passed on to Eastern Europe and Russia, as Herder predicted, but (barring some miraculous turnaround) Western Europe and its US offspring have already been destroyed by the Jews. Places like the UK and France will be outposts of Islam, and much of the US will return to nature, full of niggers running around with bonespikes in their noses and plates in their lips. There will be nobody left to support Israel, it will be on its own. IOW, the Jewish elite, the Jewish race, has shot itself in the foot; and especially with this recent mask-off moment, this time it's the whole world that hates them.
It was always right that the Jews should have a homeland, should come to their senses and understand what having and keeping a nation means. That aspect of the Zionist dream was always correct. A "New Israel" in somewhere like Madagascar would have been perfect, a paradise. But the idea that it should have been that piece of land, Palestine, was just delusional 2,000 year old revanchism based on musty old religious texts. It's quite insane and couldn't possibly last, since Palestinians have all the justice on their side, and Israelis none.