gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-12-01 22:39:00

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''Indeed, Trump turned the left's own greatest weapon (feels > reals) against them, and won. Facts no longer matter. It's immensely satisfying to hear NPR and CNN stridently proclaiming that "Trump lied" and "he has no evidence," because that horse is already out of the barn, and if they wanted to keep it in the barn then they themselves should have stopped lying and spreading evidence-free propaganda and rhetoric a decade ago.''

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2016-12-02 05:52 (saite)
Jap. Kaut kā tā. Iederas citāts no leģendārās filmas Blues Brothers: ''You lied to me. - It wasn't lies. It was just bullshit.''

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