gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2024-01-24 20:50:00

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Yuval Noah Harari was born and raised in the Kiryat Ata, Israel as one of three children born to Shlomo and Pnina Harari and raised in a secular Jewish family

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2024-01-25 18:55 (saite)
Kopumā Talmuds ir Toras turpinājums tikai upped to eleven.
Otrkārt, visādi "horned god worship" dažādās tā formās ir redzēti arī citās kultūrās, bet pamatā tomēr luciferiānisms ir specifisk hellēniski-jūdeiski-kristiāniskajā. Pie tam mēs par ancient history know nothing at all anyway. Labāk pieņemt, ka visa mūsu vēsture ir +/- 1000 gadi.

Es nezinu vai 'consciously'. Man tiešām brīžiem viņu uzvedība vairāk izskatās pēc programmētu botu algoritmiskām rutīnām un reakcijām, kad konfrontēti. Atceramies slavenās Hiltera un Gebelsa novērojumus. They're unnegotiable as if not even real human being at all. They will hammer you with the same responses eve, when you start throwing them into proverbial ovens. Either no self awareness (being bots) or or conscious malice, well drilled since childhood, that doesn't need to be telegraphed among themselves.

Religious/secular is immaterial for them. They are materialistic race through and through. Even their depictions of 'god' is mundane and utilitarian. They don't believe in divine grace or salvation for everybody, only in their own supremacy as chosen people and that everybody else will go to hell filled with rot and excrement. Also, you cannot convert to judaism, need to be born one. Other expansive religions at least has option to be converted into and thus become part of that new culture for conquered peoples. Jews destroy foreign religions and cultures for them just to be destroyed and people stripped from their very source of spirituality and vitality. So they can be turned slaves more easily. They give nothing to replace the culture they destroyed. Basically Warhammer tactics only with cunning and subversion instead of guns and axes.

About coof/vax thing. I suppose you do no that all the biggest pharma companies, at least in US are owned by jews. Alfred Burla, rooted jew in this business, CEO of Pfizer was the second most interviews and shown through the zombiebox spokesperson, when all the bathsit insane propaganda went on at the peak. The guy, who is actually a veterinarian by his default profession and managed to be incompetent or just negligent killing machine even in that phase (look up his 'calfs' incident). That kind of guy gets to run lectures for all the world on how "save and effective" his snake oil is by the entirety of mainstream media, who is owned by his bruthas in sin.
He has been backpedaling ever since, but never show any remorse or apology. Instead already shilling in public their cancer and heart attack 'vaccines' or smth, because he knows that vax caused huge spike in those deadly diseases and he just doesn't care and feel completely immune from criticism. Jews are getting very bold at this moments, which might be their downfall. They really like to start bragging around, when manage to get away with huge crimes for too long.

As for gentiles, who went along with this charade, you have to understand that absolute majority of them were and still are under the spell of propaganda, which again is mostly fueled financially and manufactured/designed by these same fucking guys. We, the gojim, are gullibe innocent sheep. Some of us get corrupt and sin, but for most part peoples of at least the former Christiendom are basically disbelieving that our rulers could ever be so evil that they would basically try to enact mass murder.

Atceramies vairumu cibiņu, kuri panikoja par kovidu, bļāva pret "antivaxeriem" (ņemsim vērā, ka arī kartējais žīdu mediju ieviestais buzzword), izsmēja par konspirācijteoristiem (vēl viens) utt., pa lielam 100% atgremo to, ko dzird medijos, jo kur viņi vēl citur kaut ko uzzinās? Nu jā, vēl (((izglītības sistēmā))) vai totāli uzticamajā Rietumu medicīnas un farmācijas industrijā, kas ir pilnībā subordinēta jau minētajām (((pharma))) korporācijām. Nu ko tu ar viņiem padarīsi? Viņi ir jauki, bet stulbi jēriņi, kas kondicionēti paklausīt un ticēt jebkurai autoritātei, kas par tādu uzstājas. Tādi kā mēs droši vien ir gļuks sistēmā. Were are a mistake form their point of view.
Protams, daudzi middle of the road normiji arī mostas, jo kad shēmošana un meli ir tik nekaunīgi, tad pat kazuāli novērotāji sāk redzēt.

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