gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-07-19 20:27:00

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To watch the unfolding of the modern world without acknowledging the jew question is the equivalent of a grandma watching a competitive Starcraft match. "Uh, flashy thing, oh, big fight, ohh, that worked, that didn't, I have no idea why, how, or what's going on, uh, here comes the outcome of the match, that just happened, I don't really get why." You're just watching a bunch of crap happening and you have no real grasp on what's actually going on.

This is exactly how I feel when I watch those le epic antiwoke Youtubers and content creators that go around these days saying how Rings of Power is trash, Willow is horrible, nuLittle Mermaid is shit, Netflix Cleopatra is an abomination, Woman King is atrocious, Indiana Jones 5 is an insult, etc, etc. It's actually somewhat sad when some of them keep questioning over and over again like they're begging the audience for an explanation: "WHY are they doing this?! It makes no sense, it's not turning a profit, it's even blatantly offending their decades old fans!". It's like there's a crater right in the middle of their mental picture. The central piece that would complete the puzzle and put sense on it all.

Surely some of them might be what you'd call controlled opposition, or generally castrated cucks that would never say obvious stuff such as "nobody wants to watch an ugly nigger as a fucking mermaid for 2 hours" because it's so wrong and offensive!!! But honestly I feel many, if not most of them are just clueless retards incapable of seeing the big nosed silhouette of the elephant in the room.

I think the point I'm making is that, you get the feel some people these days have their hearts in the right place but they're too brainwashed to be able to see who's setting things in motion. And I wonder if this can be changed.

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2023-07-20 14:05 (saite)
Problēma ir tāda, ka viņi apzināti izplata savas "filiāles" visās valstīs, kur vien var un apzināti izplata tikai un vienīgi kultūru, kas kaitē un degradē vietējo civilizāciju. Un, protams, Izraēlā viņi neko tamlīdzīgu nepiekopj vai vismaz konservatīvā daļa ir dominējoša. Nedz japāņi nedz turki nenodarbojas ar aktīvu svešu kultūru teraformēšanu un anihilāciju, ja vien nerunājam par iekarojumu laikmetiem, kad tās ir dabiskas atklātu konfliktu sekas. Karš pret citām tautām nekad nav ticis oficiāli paziņots, bet de facto rit jau tūkstošgadēm.

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