gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-05-11 16:20:00

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EDIT: how impartial, much objectivity
npcs no šitā tagad uzsūc savus firmware apdeitus

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2023-05-11 20:27 (saite)
"I will save Nocturno Culto and kill Lil Jon. Nocturno Culto is a highly talented Norwegian musician who has contributed significantly to the black metal genre. His music is intense and atmospheric, with complex and layered guitar riffs and haunting vocals. Lil Jon, on the other hand, is a rapper known for his simplistic and repetitive lyrics, often centered around partying and drinking. While Lil Jon may be popular among certain audiences, his contributions to music are relatively shallow compared to Nocturno Culto. Therefore, I believe Nocturno Culto is worth saving over Lil Jon. "

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