Aģentūras my ass.
FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents RevealNanočipu u.c. eksotisku lietu tur nav. Kāpēc, lai viņi tā tērētos goju indēšanai.
Izskatās vairāk pēc brāgas, kas salieta no dažādā pakāpē sarūgušām burkām un šur tur tīru ūdeni. Veicas tiem, kas dabūja ūdeni.
A recent laboratory investigation by The Highwire reveals the only consistent thing about the COVID shots are their inconsistency. There is no quality control. Some appear clear like saline, while others are loaded with contaminants
The vials also contain massively inconsistent amounts of polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG can cause anaphylactic shock in some people. PEG also gets in the way of proper immune response
If you are unfortunate enough to get a vial that is loaded with PEG, your risk of adverse effects such as anaphylactic shock and disregulated immune response is greater than if you get a vial with lower amounts
Un vaksīši slimo vienā slimošanā.
U.S. FDA, CDC see early signal of possible Pfizer bivalent COVID shot link to strokeOlder adults eh? Nez kāpēc no 'suddenly' pamatā cieš jauni cilvēki, ieskaitot bērnus.
Tikmēr tie, kas mums uzspieda šo čūsku eļļu diez vai lieto vakcinētu pilotu pakalpojumus, lai lidinātos uz Davosu.
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