"Bleu: How Elon Musk's vision for Twitter might solve the platform's most vile problem: Child sexual abuse material"I believe that Elon Musk's vision for making Twitter a completely free speech-promoting platform could help to solve one of its most egregious problems: the abundance of child sexual exploitation material.
This global issue has been practically ignored by the platform for years. Twitter has done the bare minimum to stay in compliance with government regulations when firmly pressed on the issue, but other than that, the tech giant is behind its competitors regarding the removal and reporting of child pornography at scale. Twitter put a lot of energy behind designing the algorithm to control conservative speech, while failing to prioritize the removal and reporting of child sexual exploitation material. There is a vast difference between mean words, outrageous ideas or misinformation, and an adult raping a child, documenting the crime, and sharing it to the world.
Wow! The most popular hashtag used to sell child sexual abuse material on Twitter is almost completely cleaned out.Wow, ka tur vispār drīkstēja atrasties šādi heštegi, kamēr kristiešu satīras saits tika permabanots par to, ka nosauca vīrieti par vīrieti.
Tvitera virsinkvizitors un cenzūras šefs visus šos gadus bija šis tipiņš. Le happy ADL talmudists.

Homoseksuālis, precējies ar vīrieti un pauž neveselīgu interesi par nepilngadīgajiem. Magnusa Hiršfelda lietas turpinātājs. Citiem vārdiem - groomer. Ne velti šis vārds tika banots no tvitera. Pedo lives matter.
Kā teica kāds viedais:
It’s not rocket science guys
They’re just evil and want to diddle kids