Toulouse-Lautrec ([info]gentle) rakstīja,
@ 2007-05-27 22:24:00

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Entry tags:personality

Every human is partially an animal, therefore there are two essences of a human being - a human itself and an animal.
The animal is an automatic activity - instinct, reflexes, stereotypes, consumption. A human is conscious activity - awareness of consequences, long term plans, imagination, creativity.
The entire life of a human being is merely a balancing the parts. A human cannot live without an animal just like a rider cannot ride without a horse. The animal, a "horse", however can live fine without a human. Depending on what a leading part of a personality is, human or animal, the society or, I should say, the world is made. So, there can be the animal-people and human-people. In other words - consumers and creators. Though, through consumption one can create. It's almost impossible to tell one kind from another, since people are never ideally one or another. But, if they were, difference would be the reason of activities - animals act to consume, humans - to create.
This reminds me of a movie "Flubber", where a character Wilson Croft said: "I'm not an innovator like you, Phil. I'm an adapter, and to that end, I have profited from your ideas."

The question is, how can people like Phil survive in the world of 'adapters'?

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