gailis ([info]gailis) rakstīja,
@ 2007-08-10 23:42:00

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laikam esmu melīgs, kad atbildu, šis nav par mani, neatbilst
You Are 8: The Challenger

You're brave, impulsive, and gutsy - loving challenges.
You act first and think later. And you're not afraid to speak up.

You are confident, so much so that you can be a bit bossy at times.
Whether people like it or not, you always stand up for yourself.

At Your Best: You are heroic, courageous, and ready to change the rules of the world. A true leader and inspiration.

At Your Worst: You intimidate, fight, or threaten to get your way. And you won't back down.

Your Fixation: Lust

Your Primary Fear: Being harmed or controlled

Your Primary Desire: To be independent and self sufficient

Other Number 8's: Donald Trump, Courtney Love, Pablo Picasso, Fidel Castro, and Rosie O'Donnell.
What Number Are You?

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2007-08-11 01:38 (saite)
Batman :)

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