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Friday, August 10th, 2007

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    zinu, kādu dziesmu veltīšu maniem draudziņiem. pagaidiet tikai mirkli. man jau arī skumji, kad te nav draudziņu. taču mierina doma, ka kaut kad atkal atnāksit
    maniem saldajiem, maniem rūgtajiem..
    sāpīgi ir tad, kad tu kādam esi apnicis, arī tad, kad tev kāds apnicis ir sāpīgi, ja tu viņam un viņš tev apnicis, tad vairs nav sāpīgi, tad mierīga attālināšanās, bet ar rūgtuma garšu, bet vienmēr jau tā nav, vienmēr jau apnikums neatnāk. ej nu noturi pienācīgā tuvumā, tālumā, apnikumu nenesošā attālumā..
    laikam esmu melīgs, kad atbildu, šis nav par mani, neatbilst
    You Are 8: The Challenger

    You're brave, impulsive, and gutsy - loving challenges.
    You act first and think later. And you're not afraid to speak up.

    You are confident, so much so that you can be a bit bossy at times.
    Whether people like it or not, you always stand up for yourself.

    At Your Best: You are heroic, courageous, and ready to change the rules of the world. A true leader and inspiration.

    At Your Worst: You intimidate, fight, or threaten to get your way. And you won't back down.

    Your Fixation: Lust

    Your Primary Fear: Being harmed or controlled

    Your Primary Desire: To be independent and self sufficient

    Other Number 8's: Donald Trump, Courtney Love, Pablo Picasso, Fidel Castro, and Rosie O'Donnell.

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