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> more life

Septembris 17., 2013

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izrādās, nesen karoti nolicis 112 gadus še padzīvojušais spānis, kura uzvārdus es nemāku izrunāt, bet vārdā viņš bija sančess. nu i ko, mans iecienītais ny magazine uztaisījis apkopojumu iekš daily intelligencer, proti, par to, kādi tad ir visu ilgdzīvotāju ģeniālie ieteikumi par to, kā nodzīvot tādu garu mūžu:

"Eat light." In fact, eat two meals a day instead of three. Eat "many vegetables" and "raw onion at will." Eat a spoonful of bee pollen every day. Eat herring every day. Don't eat junk food

Don't smoke or drink alcohol. Seriously, never "damage your body with liquor." Drink milk every morning. Drink orange juice every day "for the vitamins." Actually, go ahead and drink "moderately." Have "a glass of red wine with meals." You know what, screw it — go ahead and enjoy "cigarettes, whisky and wild, wild women."

Be an optimist. "Live calmly and treat other people well." "Look after yourself and always know your limitations." Let things "happen naturally." "Watch out" for your health. Work hard and do everything in moderation. Get educated. Get a good night's sleep. Try to "not have enemies." Lead an "honest life."

Mind your own business. No, really — mind your own damn business

It also doesn't hurt to have the Lord on your side. "Just live each day the way the Lord gives it" to you. And if you really want to know the secret to long life, you have to ask him."

nez vai ir nepieciešams izcelt, kura metode ir man vispieņemamākā.

(5 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:17. Septembris 2013 - 15:21
paldies, ļoti interesanti :)
Date:17. Septembris 2013 - 15:40
Ja vēlies, lai tev šķistu, ka tava dzīve velkas bezgalīgi ilgi, atsakies no visiem prieciņiem.
[User Picture]
Date:17. Septembris 2013 - 16:09
patiesība ir linkā par viskiju un plēsīgām sievietēm.

"People ask me, what's the secret of a long life? I don't know"
Date:17. Septembris 2013 - 17:34
Pēdējais padoms ļoti izklausās pēc abusive partnera iegādes.
[User Picture]
Date:18. Septembris 2013 - 10:05
i don't think he even gives a crap.

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