Jūlijs 1., 2020
10:23 "what other people think of you is none of your business"
Oktobris 11., 2018
18:39 - : pretty much "i don't really see the point in buying a piece of art that i could've made myself."
Augusts 8., 2018
19:24 - : the natural approach. is natural really always better "the harder it is to understand something, the more unnatural it seems"
Jūnijs 13., 2018
“When you think about what change requires, it requires you to do things that are scary, uncertain or new. But here’s the problem - you will never feel ready or motivated to do the things that are scary, irritating or hard; and if you can accept that as the reality, you now have the secret to change. You can not “feel like it”".
just do it.
Decembris 12., 2017
09:26 “Every new generation is becoming less and less brand-loyal,” Bahulkar says. “Millennials don’t care as much about logos. They will buy anything from anywhere at any price point, and that is a big change.”
(c) the retail apocalypse is fueled by no-name clothes
Maijs 31., 2017
13:03 Why questions draw us to our limitations; what questions help us see our potential. Why questions stir up negative emotions; what questions keep us curious. Why questions trap us in our past; what questions help us create a better future.
Janvāris 29., 2016
13:26 "Комплекс мужчины и есть бич человечества. Было бы мудро возродить пионеров или скаутов, не важно, называйте как хотите, где воспитывали бы мудрых, духовных, ответственных мужчин. В Европе восемь миллионов образованных молодых мужчин не работают. Не хотят, им трудно. Хотят получить всё, быстро и легко."
Aprīlis 6., 2015
15:53 žurnāls "una" raksta, ka "sabiedriskais viedoklis ir to cilvēku viedoklis, kuriem neviens neko nejautā".
Septembris 22., 2014
11:14 "i finally have standards and limits." nu, vismaz kaut kādi. dažreiz.
Augusts 5., 2014
11:50 skat, mans popularitātes laiks vēl tikai priekšā:
"29-year-olds are totally desired friends. They're just a little
wise, just a little youthful, just a little hip, just a little centered.
They're still free to hang out, but unlikely to be a truly bad
influence. A 29-year-old is just this great person to have in your life
for this, the year that they are cool.
vakar attapos, ka cilvēki, ar kuriem uzturu te kontaktus, nemaz nav man tie tuvākie, un baisi sailgojos pēc glāzes pacelšanas ar kādu, kam dzīvē viss neiet gluži kā pa sviestu, un kam ir ko pateikt. ar šejienes meitenēm man tomēr (joprojām) nav nekā kopīga.
Augusts 4., 2014
15:00 "hair loss can also occur as a result of overuse of styling products, wearing tight ponytails and chemical processing."
Jūlijs 10., 2014
15:06 "Readers, like voicemail leavers and card writers, are now a dying breed, their numbers decreasing with every GIF list and online tabloid."
Jūlijs 8., 2014
16:23 The fact is that it’s more difficult to begin to understand yourself when you are older – there’s simply a lot more going on. You have more responsibilities and less curiosity.
Maijs 28., 2014
14:22 - : kids these days high-school seniors are smoking less, drinking less, and "barely using cocaine." they've cooled it on the unprotected sex. teens today are filling their time with exercise and gentle jokes and smiling soberly.
rekur statistika.
there had to be something right with this generation, hehe
Aprīlis 16., 2014
16:23 Don’t mistake your ability to explain yourself as a sign of being “right.”
Aprīlis 2., 2014
16:39 “Now is not the time for making new enemies…” was Voltaire’s response when asked by a priest at his deathbed to renounce Satan.
Marts 19., 2014
12:09 A morning with curly hair is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you’re going to get.
Februāris 27., 2014
12:33 mūs mīl ne jau tāpēc, ka esam labi, bet tāpēc, ka ir labs cilvēks, kurš mūs mīl.
Janvāris 24., 2014
09:36 - : looking inward is "to express something which comes from yourself - it's almost a personal thing that you learn from yourself. a lot of people tend to think looking inward is a big, spiritual
journey but it really comes down to the small things that you do for
(c) un vispār, es sāku domāt, ka citāta autora norādīšana var sabojāt visu domu.
Janvāris 23., 2014
10:20 - : par skapja satura problēmām "I’m always happy when I have a monochromatic outfit that isn’t black,
and that usually takes like seven years’ worth of shopping to get right.
You’ll have like these green pants you got in X and this one shirt
that you got in Y in a thrift store, and this one jacket." (c) kanye west
p.s. pirmajā iespaidā tas kanje ir viens traks džeks, bet, kārtīgi palasot, ko viņš saka (nerunāju par viņa muzikālo daiļradi, tur es vispār zinu tikai love lockdown), man šķiet, viņš ir tīri labos draugos ar labu kokaīnu vai vitamīnu, or smth, un tas arī viss. and i mean it in the best possible way.
Decembris 11., 2013
14:41 one of the main difficulties you have at times is that although you like
the idea of relationships, when it comes down to the practicalities of
all that is involved, you sometimes feel sick. (c)
Oktobris 29., 2013
16:13 "to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart"
Septembris 17., 2013
15:10 izrādās, nesen karoti nolicis 112 gadus še padzīvojušais spānis, kura uzvārdus es nemāku izrunāt, bet vārdā viņš bija sančess. nu i ko, mans iecienītais ny magazine uztaisījis apkopojumu iekš daily intelligencer, proti, par to, kādi tad ir visu ilgdzīvotāju ģeniālie ieteikumi par to, kā nodzīvot tādu garu mūžu:
"Eat light." In fact, eat two meals a day instead of three. Eat "many vegetables" and "raw onion at will." Eat a spoonful of bee pollen every day. Eat herring every day. Don't eat junk food.
Don't smoke or drink alcohol. Seriously, never "damage your body with liquor." Drink milk every morning. Drink orange juice every day "for the vitamins." Actually, go ahead and drink "moderately." Have "a glass of red wine with meals." You know what, screw it — go ahead and enjoy "cigarettes, whisky and wild, wild women."
It also doesn't hurt to have the Lord on your side. "Just live each day the way the Lord gives it" to you. And if you really want to know the secret to long life, you have to ask him."
nez vai ir nepieciešams izcelt, kura metode ir man vispieņemamākā.
Septembris 6., 2013
12:09 michael kors atbild uz jautājumu par, viņaprāt, ievērojamākajām pārmaiņām modē. redīss, tas mums ar tevi, un visām pārējām, kas runā par to, ka "esmu par vecu", lai vilktu to vai šito:
- Number one is the internet. Fashion became accessible quickly and 24/7 to anyone who was interested all around the planet. Clothes used to be very specific by country. The introduction of the Web was like when the Berlin Wall fell—it took down the barriers around the world in fashion.
Number two, the rules have totally been thrown out the window. No one would have thought that people would be going to parties and fashion shows in February wearing sandals, or that they would wear sequins in the office during the day. Plus, the idea of “dressing your age,” has been totally diminished. In today’s world, if you have amazing legs, you might be a 60-year-old and wearing a short dress. Or, on the other hand, you might be 16 years old and instead of looking girly, you look sophisticated.
par trešo viņš sauc modes demokratizāciju, apgalvojot, ka jebkas ir pieejams jebkur, un cena nav galvenais, bet tam nu es nevaru piekrist, ja to saka cilvēks ar viņa maka biezumu. naudai vienmēr parādās nozīme, kad tās nepietiek.
Augusts 27., 2013
16:20 - : romantiskais egoists I pasaulē, kas egocentrismu pasludina par augstāko tikumu, ir loģiski, ka nākotnē homoseksuālisms būs norma. šajā laikmetā pretdabisks ir heteroseksuālisms. jāmīl tie, kas mums visvairāk līdzinās. jāizjūt valdzinājums tikai pret sevi. laiks arī man pie tā ķerties. noteikti jāapprec tuvredzīgs tēvainis. tā es kļūšu par īstu romantic egoist.
II oskars difrēns bija nevis vecpuisis, kas meklēja mīlestību, bet gan puisītis, kas gaida tēti. milzīga literāra netaisnība: mani uzaudzināja māte, taču es vienmēr rakstu par tēvu.
Augusts 19., 2013
20:24 "jo es rakstu tāpēc, lai zinātu, ko domāju," rakstīja oskars difrēns, un es tik ļoti gribēju viņu citēt, ka metos pie kompja un sāku rakstīt te, līdz sastapos ar cold harsh truth, ka ir sācis čakarēties kaut kas iekš system32 vai kā viņu tur, kas rezultējās ar pazudušām garumzīmēm un: "john, what did you do?!?"
Jūlijs 18., 2013
13:50 - : no kara uz mieru "jo mazāk vīriešu tuvumā, jo kreatīvāka ir sieviešu mode," saka a. vasiļjevs, un ja tā padomā, tad, sasodīts, bet tā nudien ir. šodien izstāde atkrita, jo no gultas izrāpos tikai pusvienpadsmitos, bet nu rīt gan tā kā varētu ap to laiku lekt iekšā transportā un ducināt uz galvaspilsētu kulturāli izglītoties.
Jūnijs 9., 2013
22:08 ja es būtu starp tiem cilvēkiem, par kuriem tiek rakstītas biogrāfijas, tad gribētu, lai autors mani raksturo ar vārdiem - she was a serial monogamist with an unnaturally low interest in entertaining casual dating.
Marts 13., 2013
12:05 - : why oh why "the next time someone is obnoxious enough to ask you why you are single, tell them it’s because you are not an idiot like they are and are okay enough with yourself to be alone" --- neņemiet pie sirds, ja, bet šis man patika tik labi, ka es nudien tā arī varētu pateikt. labi, nezinu, vai varētu (nav tak smuki ņemt un citus tā par idiotiem nosaukt), bet gribētu noteikti.
Marts 10., 2013
13:51 - : (c) einšteins (ja var ticēt internetiem) if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
Marts 4., 2013
21:56 "it takes getting everything you ever wanted, and then losing it to know what true freedom is."
Februāris 26., 2013
11:18 man uz galda ir narcises un jauns dzīvs augs, ko nobeigt. tikmēr the atlantic raksta, ka there's more to life than being happy, atsaucoties uz v. franklu (kura grāmatu tā arī neesmu izlasījusi līdz galam).
"Happy people get a lot of joy from receiving benefits from others while
people leading meaningful lives get a lot of joy from giving to
others. In other words, meaning
transcends the self
while happiness is all about giving the self what it wants. People
who have high meaning in their lives are more likely to help others in
need. If
anything, pure happiness is linked to not helping others in need." nu tad pēdējā laikā i'm leading a meaningful, but not a very happy life.
"What sets human beings apart from animals is not the pursuit of
happiness, which occurs all across the natural world, but the pursuit of
meaning, which is
unique to humans."
Janvāris 29., 2013
10:13 - : sag awards "after all, only Wikipedia will remember the SAG statuette winners in ten years, but a great gown lasts forever"
Decembris 20., 2012
09:45 - : viens teikums. jūra informācijas In April, Miss Universe owner Donald Trump ended the pageant's ban on transgender contestants after coming under fire when a Canadian competitor, Jenna Talackova, was told she'd be disqualified if she made it to the international level because she was born a man.
Decembris 11., 2012
12:11 a voice that is trying to make the world seem so much scarier than it actually is simply cannot be trusted.
Oktobris 29., 2012
08:57 - : serge gainsbourg ugliness is superior to beauty because it lasts longer.
Oktobris 26., 2012
11:14 there are seven days in the week and someday isn’t one of them
Oktobris 11., 2012
10:25 "kurpes domātas tam, lai noturētu kājas pie zemes un nezaudētu saiti ar to, kas dzīvē svarīgs, proti, sēdēt pilsētas skvērā un spēlēt nesteidzīgas kāršu spēles ar draugiem," adams morgans saka lietišķajā dienā, un tā arī ir (vai vismaz - var būt) atbilde uz jautājumu par to, kāpēc sievietēm tik ļoti patīk kurpes.
Februāris 15., 2012
20:02 a cocktail ring is the antithesis of a wedding ring - it announces no status other than the desire to have fun.
Septembris 23., 2011
20:02 - umberto eco. on beauty The eyes are beautiful if they are bright and the most beautiful of all are blue-green eyes. One of the prime qualities of a beautiful body is pink skin and, according to Isidore the etymologist, the word venustas, physical Beauty, comes from venis, i.e. the blood, while formosus, beautiful, derives from formo, which is the heat that moves the blood; from sangue (blood) also comes sanus, said of those whose complexion was not pale, but healthily pink. Furthermore, Isidore says that the expression delicatus (delicate), when used to describe a person's aspect, derives from the deliciae (delicacies) served with a good meal and he even hazards a classification of the character of some people based on the way they lived and fed, still employing far-fetched etymologies. Hence the Gauls, whose name allegedly derived from gala, milk, in Greek, on account of the whiteness of their skins, were ferocious because of the climate in which they lived.
Februāris 13., 2011
15:12 - : patiesība ir tur, grāmatās un tad vakar ap pusnakti sadomājām pazīlēt ar grāmatu. uzdod jautājumu, izvēlies lappusi un rindiņu - no tās zortes. paņēmām vienu džeralda darela grāmatu, un pie jautājuma nr. 5, kas skanēja apmēram tā: ko par mani domā... kurš vīrietis, kurš, kurš... ai, vienalga, visi! grāmatas pravietojums: mēģinu atrast likumīgu veidu, kā viņai aizliegt tuvoties [..]
noslīdēju no beņķa un četrrāpus smējos uz virtuves grīdas, slaukot asaras un tverot pēc elpas.
Janvāris 19., 2011
11:27 - : umberto eco, on beauty for the pythagorean tradition, the soul and body of a man are subject to the same laws that govern musical phenomena, and those same proportions are to be found in the cosmic harmony in such a way, that both micro and macrocosm (the world in which we live and the entire universe) appear bound by a single rule that is at once mathematical and aesthetic.
the rule which is manifested in the music of the spheres moving - the musical scale produced bu the planets, each of which, in rotating in a motionless world, produces a sound whose pitch depends on the distance of the planet from the earth and, consequently, on the speed at which the planet in question is moving.
the system thus emits the sweetest music, but one that we cannot hear, owing that to the inadequacy of our senses.
Janvāris 11., 2011
10:07 - : umberto eco, on beauty
(apspied savu cilvēka dabu, un čiks vien sanāks.)
Jūlijs 19., 2006
15:22 - prāts : emocijas Kad cilvēki mani nosauc par ļoti emocionālu būtni, no pārsteiguma esmu gatava par tādu bezkaunību iesist, bet es tā nedaru (izņemot vienu smieklīgu reizi). Tāpat kā es nedaru un nepasaku vēl daudz ko citu, jo prāts ir tas, kas jāapvalda, lai cik neloģiski tas izklausītos.
Mūzika: Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun