| Hedera helix L. ( hedera) rakstīja, |
Redzu, ka padoms noskaitīt līdz 10 un nedaudz palasīt par tēmu, pirms klabināt taustiņus, uz tevi ir velti iztērēts.
Tavs teksts ir pilns ar nemākulīgu genocīda noliegšanu, taču īpaši iepriecina šī pērle:
"Bērni, kas šajās skolās ieguva izglītību, pilnīgi noteikti bija ieguvēji, salīdzinot ar tiem, kas palika šajās ciltīs. Viņu ienākumi, dzīves kvalitāte un citi apstākļi noteikti bija labāki."
Kādēļ gan izlasīt vismaz wiki rakstu, ar ko es tik laipni padalījos, ja tā vietā var klabināt savas fantāzijas par tēmu?
Most schools operated with the stated goal of providing students with the vocational training and social skills required to obtain employment and integrate into Canadian society after graduation. In actuality, these goals were poorly and inconsistently achieved. Many graduates were unable to land a job due to poor educational training. Returning home was equally challenging due to an unfamiliarity with their culture and, in some cases, an inability to communicate with family members using their traditional language. Instead of intellectual achievement and advancement, it was often physical appearance and dress, like that of middle class, urban teenagers, or the promotion of a Christian ethic, that was used as a sign of successful assimilation. There was no indication that school attendees achieved greater financial success than those who did not go to school. As the father of a pupil who attended Battleford Industrial School, in Saskatchewan, for five years explained: "he cannot read, speak or write English, nearly all his time having been devoted to herding and caring for cattle instead of learning a trade or being otherwise educated. Such employment he can get at home.
Starp citu, ļoti interesanti, ka tu turpini aizstāvēt Kanādas indiāņu internātskolu sistēmu, ņemot vērā šos faktus:
Both academic research and the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee relay evidence that students were included in several scientific research experiments without their knowledge, their consent or the consent of their parents. These experiments include nutrition experiments which involved intentional malnourishment of children, vaccine trials for the BCG vaccine, as well as studies on extrasensory perception, vitamin D diet supplements, amebicides, isoniazid, hemoglobin, bedwetting, and dermatoglyphics.
Visticamāk, uzreiz atklanīšos no diskusijas turpinājuma ar tevi. No pieredzes zinu, ka nav lielas jēgas. Taču šoreiz arī tīri morālu apsvērumu dēļ nevēlos tērēt savu laiku, lai dirstos ar genocīda apoloģētu.
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